Our Events

USS Designers Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Celebrates every event, festivals, drives, entertainment programs, which all boost up every employee and help to work with fresh minds.We conduct Tournament with other organisations like cricket etc.
At USS Designers we Celebrate all the Events with lots of fun. We always love to set the environment in such a way that our employees feel comfortable while working.

Our Gallery

State kabaddi Tournament

USS Designers Happy to attend state level kabaddi Tournament as a chief guest.


USS Designers schedule and conduct high quality interviews adn drives to understand candidates before making hiring decisions.

Annual Day

USS Designers is growing successfully only because of dedication, execution excellence and steadily staying focused, that has helped us to grow year-on-year.

New Office Inauguration

USS Designers happy to ceebrate office Inaguration at new place with more developments.

Client Interactions

Strong customer interaction is essential for both the acquisition and retention of clients. USS Designers place greater focus on the satisfaction of clients.


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